General Information

Morocco is a beautiful kingdom strategically located between Europe and Africa. The country has seen many hardships. With the accession of King Mohammed VI in 1999 the country has turned a new chapter of Political and economic liberalization. The capital of Morocco is Rabat a beautiful city located at the mouth of the river Bou Regreg. It is the second most important city after Casablanca. The official language is Arabic and others in use throughout the country are Derija (which is Moroccan Arabic) and the Berber dialects. You can also find French being used as the second language as a French protectorate existed over the country for sometime. The currency in use is the Dirham. The economic growth of the country has been pretty stable for the last few years.

Best time to visit Morocco :-
The best time to visit Morocco depends on what you plan to do and see while there. If your main priority is to see highlights like Marrakech or Fes at their best, then the optimum time to visit is April – May, or September – November. During these months, the climate is mild and there are fewer tourists. However, several of Morocco’s most iconic cultural festivals take place during the summer.

Capital – Rabat

Currency – Moroccan dirham Trending